I’m Back

After a long absence, I have finally returned. I’m sorry to any of you who have been checking each day over the absence, I shall try to post something every weekday. I’m adding a few new categories, etc. That’s all for now

The Blades of Alarielle

As I said before, I have a somewhat sizeable Stormcast Eternals army. It’s somewhere around 1500 points right now, but it isn’t finished yet. Take a look! You can finally bask in the glory of my horrible painting skills!

The Mages
Fulmination Squadron
Front of the Force
The Blades of Alarielle


I’ve recently gotten into this great tabletop fantasy minatures game called Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Some of you may have heard of this or its counterpart, Warhammer 40,000. It’s a great game, and I already have a sizeable army. If anybody has faction tips or just anything else on the topic, please let me know in the comments!


Since I don’t really have an order for my books yet, I was wondering what you all wanted next, after warriors of Peace. In the comments for this post, please tell me what book you would like to read the most.

  • Protectors of Paloria
  • Reclaiming Ayrulen
  • Animalia Staffs
  • Crumbling Islands
  • Secretives
  • Alpha Island and Omega Continent (I should really name it soon…)

10 000 Approaching

Warriors of Peace is approaching the 10 000 word mark. This marks an approximate 1/5 of the way. I’m sorry about the delay, but it’s scheduled to come out late 2022. I just wanted to let you know, and finally I’ve plugged the fountain of book ideas for a time.