Court of War

A short break from Tolkien to discuss my new book.

All other books have been put on hold due to a simple lack of inspiration and overwhelming presence of monotony in the story. Court of War, however, is of a fantasy sub-genre known as Outpost Wars, where the war is not a LotR style, two massive armies clashing over massive cities kind of war, its a more skirmish-based fighting style, with smaller battles over important, strategically placed Outposts. Not to say there won’t be a siege battle near the end, but that won’t be commonplace.

Court of War is about a hero of the northern borderlands of the elven forest nation who, faced with a massive promotion and a powerful new enemy, is forced to take action. The renegade princess suddenly appearing in his Outpost is no help, needless to say. I’ve written the first 30% now, and I’d say this one has a much better chance of being finished than my many others.

The second part is a court intrigue with the princess trying to send help to the north, while her opposition seeks to see our hero fall, and his noble house with him. Many obstacles lie in the paths of both protagonists, but the question is, are they strong enough to overcome them?

Nyvewar Chronicles

I’ve had this very good idea for a while now that I realized I’d forgotten to share with you. It’s set in the realm of Nyvewar, a magical realm inhabitted by Elves, elves (don’t ask, you’ll see when you read it), Dwarves, Centaurs, and of course, humans. The plotline (AKA The Part Yo Actually Care About) is simple. We have darkness threatening to overwhelm the world, and only one brave band of heroes who can stop it. It’s one of my better plans, when you look at it in more depth, but I can’t spoil it all, can I?

10 000 Approaching

Warriors of Peace is approaching the 10 000 word mark. This marks an approximate 1/5 of the way. I’m sorry about the delay, but it’s scheduled to come out late 2022. I just wanted to let you know, and finally I’ve plugged the fountain of book ideas for a time.

Reclaiming Ayrulen

I’ve come up with another book idea (yes, I have too many) and I’ve decided to call it Reclaiming Ayrulen. I haven’t gotten to many details down yet, but the general summary is that some 500 years ago something came (can’t spoil what!) and destroyed the Nine Kingdoms and settled in the ruins of the Ayrulen Empire, the most powerful nation ever to exist.

Back in Time Academy

I have decided to turn a story I wrote in first grade into a book. It is about three friends who have to stop some villians from messing with time.