10 000 Approaching

Warriors of Peace is approaching the 10 000 word mark. This marks an approximate 1/5 of the way. I’m sorry about the delay, but it’s scheduled to come out late 2022. I just wanted to let you know, and finally I’ve plugged the fountain of book ideas for a time.


I have created a new game called Conquest. It is played with a circular board and the object is to gather 15 points, or capture your enemy’s Fortress. I will probably be putting it on the Game Crafter website to sell.

Pruning my Book List

I’ve decided that I have way too many book ideas on the go right now. I have gone through and decided which ones I’ll actually write.

These are the ones i am definitely keeping: Warriors of Peace, Reclaiming Ayrulen, Protectors of Paloria, and the Animalia Staffs. These are the ones I am definitely not writing: The Power Evolves, The V Tribes of Arenedor, Draconyx Areles and the Hailstone Institude, and Back in Time Academy.

If I did not list one, it’s because I’ve already said I would quit on it, or I have not decided.

Reclaiming Ayrulen

I’ve come up with another book idea (yes, I have too many) and I’ve decided to call it Reclaiming Ayrulen. I haven’t gotten to many details down yet, but the general summary is that some 500 years ago something came (can’t spoil what!) and destroyed the Nine Kingdoms and settled in the ruins of the Ayrulen Empire, the most powerful nation ever to exist.

Back in Time Academy

I have decided to turn a story I wrote in first grade into a book. It is about three friends who have to stop some villians from messing with time.